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OneVoice, an initiative of OneJax, gives the next wave of thought leaders, professionals, cultural movers and political shakers a voice today by providing young professionals a unique platform to learn and grow. Each topic discussed takes place across three events focused on engaging minds, engaging hearts, and opening voices.

Engaging Minds

Knowledge and understanding are the foundation for civil discourse. To build knowledge, we invite experts who provide objective analysis on the issue at hand. To build understanding, we facilitate interactive conversations among attendees. By the end of the event, you'll better know the issue, your position, and what's at stake for your community.

Engaging Hearts

Empathy is a necessary ingredient to turn objective civil discourse into compassionate action. To build empathy and awareness, we recruit and coach 6-8 individuals whose lives intersect with the issue being discussed. Through their diverse stories and perspectives, you'll learn how these complex issues have impacted others and our community.

Opening Voices
Realizing you have something important to say, and overcoming the fear or anxiety of saying it is often the first big barrier to civic engagement. Open Voices is a collective activity which releases the inherent expertise, creativity, and leadership in people by creating a unique space for participatory small-group discussions on topics attendees care about. You'll help generate the topics. You'll pick the conversation you want to join. And you'll discuss complex issues with voices different than your own.
About OneJax

OneJax is a nonprofit organization that seeks to promote diversity as the foundation for a strong community. We work to increase respect and improve relationships among people who represent the rich menagerie of religious, ethnic, racial and cultural groups that compose our community.


The OneJax team promotes inclusion within the community in various ways, from hosting panel discussions on timely topics, to leading diversity workshops for corporate supporters. Wherever we are, and whomever we are serving, our mission is always to engage our audience and empower each individual to take responsibility for his or her own role in the broader dialogue of acceptance that takes place every day in our city. Here are a few signature programs and events that we organize each year.

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